Role of Packaging in Preventing Food Waste

6 Jun 2023

A huge amount of food is wasted every day, contributing to the environmental emergency. Recyclable food packaging have an important role in reducing the amount of food wasted.

The major role of packaging is mainly to protect food from damage or spoilage on its journey to the end consumer. But it also has an important role in the home. It serves as a storage container, making the contents in it easily accessible, with instructions as to how to prepare the product. Resealable containers keep food fresh and allow food to be stored for much longer. That means it is less likely to be thrown away. Airtight containers can help protect the contents from exposure to air, moisture, micro-organisms, and light, all of which contribute to contamination.

Let’s see how the right packaging can prevent food waste effectively.

Recyclable food packaging

It is important to reduce the amount of packaging we throw away and the amount of food we waste.

Recyclable food containers that are easy to clean can be used over and over again. They are multi-purpose and are suitable for a wide range of uses, such as storing leftovers or transporting packed lunches. A durable alternative to disposable containers, reusable food containers help us contribute to a more sustainable future.

Accessible packaging

If the food inside the containers is hard to access, a flaw in the packaging design is evident, and it needs to be altered. Many consumers report their frustration at being unable to use the whole product due to poorly designed packaging, and many of us will have experienced difficulties in using up the last of the ketchup or honey. All packaging should make the contents easily accessible in order to limit food waste.

Pack size

It is important to consider portion size when designing packaging. Packs that are too big will mean that food goes uneaten and this will contribute to food waste. Smaller portions and a wider variety of different pack sizes to choose from will reduce waste as consumers can select an appropriate size for their needs rather than having to accept the default quantity.

Visibility and organization

Carefully designed packaging can also help to keep consumers conscious of what foods they have in their refrigerators. Clear, transparent packaging helps them see at a glance what they have available, making it less likely for them to forget about the food and allow it to go out of date. Every time they look in the fridge, they are reminded of what needs to be used up and what is beginning to lose its freshness. That’s how less amount of food gets wasted. Clear labeling on the packaging is also important. It helps people to keep track of the date by which when food needs to be consumed so they can use it in time.

The Takeaway

Food waste prevention and packaging design are directly related. Specific strategies in the design of packaging, such as resealability, accessibility, and pack size variety will help people to reduce the amount of food they throw away. The right design will allow them to store food for longer, access the whole of the contents, and select the correct portion size.


This will allow everyone to reduce their carbon footprint and lead a more sustainable life.